Is Invisalign Necessary for Porcelain Veneers
Posted by writeradmin
I had saved up for ten porcelain veneers. My dentist said that I would need some Invisalign invisible braces first and some teeth whitening. I am confused about that. I do have one front tooth that is a little crooked. I was under the impression that porcelain veneers could make those look straight. Are the other procedures really necessary?
Dear Catherine,
I’m glad you wrote. While the teeth whitening makes sense, the Invisalign is not necessary. I would have the teeth whitening done so that any teeth which you do not put porcelain veneers on will blend in naturally with your veneered teeth. Ten is probably enough for your upper arch to not show the other teeth, but you will need whitening on your lower arch.
If all you need is to have your teeth straightened and some whitening, you’ll save money by doing Invisalign and simultaneously whiten them using the aligners as teeth whitening trays. However, if there are other things you want to change about your teeth, such as the shape or size, then, porcelain veneers will be the way to go.
However, you will not need the Invisalign in that case. A skilled cosmetic dentist can make your front tooth look straight, as you had understood. The fact that your dentist is suggesting Invisalign tells me that he does not have confidence in his skills but does not want to admit it. If he does not have confidence in his skills, neither should you.
Decide which procedures you are going with. If you choose Invisalign, you will not need an expert cosmetic dentist. If you choose porcelain veneers then you will want to research your dentist carefully. Make sure they have post-doctoral training in cosmetic dentistry. Dental school is not enough. Then, take the extra precaution of looking at their smile gallery. Make sure they can produce beautiful results.
This blog is brought to you by Arnold, MD Dentist Dr. Meredith Esposito.