Tetracycline Stains and No Money for Porcelain Veneers
When I was a kid I was given a medicine that turned my teeth brownish gray. A few years ago, I had some dental bonding done. It was okay. Nothing excellent, but it did cover my stains somewhat. Now they’re chipped and need to be replaced. I can’t afford porcelain veneers, which I know will […]
Can I Whiten My Teeth with Dental Bonding?
I have dental bonding that has repaired a chip. It’s old and needs to be replaced. My teeth are pretty yellow too. Is it possible that I could whiten my teeth by using bonding over the whole tooth? I’d love to make the teeth a little longer, too. Price is not a concern. Catherine Dear […]
Pain with My Teeth Whitening
I am doing at home whitening. It went fine for a couple of weeks, but now one of my teeth is giving me some pain. the pain is quite brief. It’s like a zing for a few seconds and then it calms down. But, the zing is painful enough that I have stopped whitening until […]
Will Teeth Whitening Damage My Porcelain Veneers?
I had four porcelain veneers placed on my teeth. Over the last year, while my veneered teeth are fine, the teeth that do not have veneers are not. They have picked up a lot of stains. They was always a slight difference between my natural teeth and the veneers, but now it is much worse. […]
Teeth Whitening Using Lemons
My daughter’s activity leader at church is having a spa night with the girls. It is a cute idea, but one of thing things she has planned has me worried. They’re doing all-natural makeovers, which will include homemade facial scrubs, etc. The one that has me worried is the homemade teeth whitening. She’s planning on […]
Should you Whiten Your Teeth With Clorox?
I periodically peruse dental questions online to see what topics people are interested in or confused about. I came across one where a man had asked about bleaching his teeth with the jug of bleach he has at home. Most people trolled him or responded with shock that he would even consider such a thing. […]
Luster Premium Teeth Whitening
Do you know much about Luster Premium Teeth Whitening? I’ve been thinking about using it, but don’t want to waste my money. Is it as effective as the reviews say? Sometimes I don’t know if reviews are legitimate. Preston Dear Preston, While there are some over the counter whitening kits that will actually whiten your […]
Premium Home Whitening Products?
I saw an advertisement for Premium Home Whitening Kit. Can you tell me if this is a valid product that will work and is safe? I have always wanted to whiten my teeth but don’t have that kind of money all at once. This seemed like a decent option. Kelly Dear Kelly, I have looked […]
How to Re-Whiten Teeth
I am getting a dental crown, but want to touch up my teeth whitening first. I can’t seem to get a straight answer on how to do that. Is there a certain number of weeks I need to whiten? What about amount of time each day? I want to do this right because I know […]
Zoom Whitening for Unevenly Colored Teeth
When my daughter’s braces came off, there were white spots on her teeth. Our dentist suggested we try zoom whitening because she had just gotten the zoom machine and thought it would work for us. Unfortunately, it did not. If anything, they are worse. Did she do something wrong because she’s new at the machine […]