Model Smiling
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Fixing a Crooked Front Tooth

I have a front tooth that is very crooked. Not only is it overlapping the other front tooth, but it is doing so from behind the tooth. I’ve been to several dentists and they all seem to suggest different things. I’ve heard that I should get braces. I’ve heard that I should pull the tooth […]


Retainers After Invisalign?

I had Invisalign and was transferred for work. My dentist has provided me with the remainder of my aligners. I will only miss one checkup with him. My question is do I need to immediately find another Invisalign provider or can I just finish the ones he provided for me and move on with my […]


How Often Do I Have to See a Dentist For Invisalign?

I would really like to get Invisalign to straighten my teeth. One thing that has me worried is the every two weeks thing. I have six children and finding a sitter is NOT easy, not to mention expensive. I don’t have family that can help. Is there any way a dentist would let me come […]


The Downfall of SmileDirect Club

Most people saw the ads for SmileDirect Club either on social media or television. It promised Invisalign results at a fraction of the cost? How could they do this? Well, they couldn’t. They said they could because you didn’t have to see a dentist. They’d do everything for you through the mail. This was a […]


How to Deal with a HUGE Tooth Gap

I have a large tooth gap. I think my dentist said it was about 8-10 millimeters between my front two teeth. I didn’t want braces, so he suggested snap-on smile. I paid for the x-rays and the dentist sent everything in to the company. I received a call this week telling me I’m not really […]


Dental Flipper to Make My Teeth Look Straight

I have teeth that are not straight. While I finally have money to fix it, I am too old for braces. Plus, I’m a tad impatient. I’ve waited this long and do not want to wait for three years more, especially with a mouth full of metal. I was thinking maybe I could get a […]


Can Invisalign Fix a Misalignment?

I wanted to get my teeth straightened but did not want to do metal braces. I asked my dentist about Invisalign and he said that it doesn’t work for misaligned teeth. In order to fix that I would have to go the traditional route. Is there some other option for me? I’m 37 years old […]


Will Invisalign Stain My Teeth?

My bestie has Invisalign and loves it. I’ve always wanted to straighten my teeth but didn’t want braces. My only concern is that they will stain my teeth because you wear them almost constantly. Is this an issue with Invisalign? Callie Anne Dear Callie Anne,   I am glad you are looking into Invisalign as […]


Can Invisalign Widen My Smile?

When I was a child I needed braces. However, my dentist told my parents that I needed a palate expander. They couldn’t afford that so my teeth were left as is. Now I am an adult and really want to do something about it. I have had some people tell me that Invisalign can widen […]


Am I Too Old For Invisalign?

I am sixty years old and want to get my teeth straightened. It has been something that has bothered me most of my life. I was hoping to get Invisalign because someone told me I wouldn’t need all that metal on my teeth. When I went to see an orthodontist, he said that it is […]