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Adult Teeth are Behind My Baby Teeth

Posted by writeradmin

I haven’t smiled in a while because a lot of my baby teeth never came out, but the adult teeth came in anyway. They’re behind the baby teeth. I’m sixteen so it has been that way for a while. Sometimes I forget not to smile and the other students make fun of my smile. One of the guys in my geometry class calls me shark teeth. Is there a way to fix this?


Dear Sandy,

Comparison of braces to Invisalign

I have to wonder if you’ve been seeing a pediatric dentist or if you’ve been completely without oral health care all this time. If you have been under the care of a dentist, he or she has been every negligent. This could have been completely prevented.

Your dentist would have noticed that the baby teeth were not coming out as the adult teeth were coming in and then removed the baby teeth so that they wouldn’t deflect the eruption of the permanent teeth. This would give you less chance of overcrowding and needing orthodontics.

The good news is that it is also fixable. Any baby teeth will have to be removed. Then, the permanent teeth will need to be put into their proper placement with orthodontics.

In many cases you can use Invisalign. These allow you to straighten your teeth without anyone even knowing. Every once in a while a case will be too complicated than that and traditional braces will be necessary. Though, Invisalign can handle many more cases than it used to these days.

The most important thing for you now is to see a dentist. If you’ve already been seeing one and they neglected this, then I highly suggest you find a different dentist. This is important. Show your parents this post so they understand that this is important. Things will only get worse if it isn’t dealt with.

This blog is brought to you by Arnold, MD Dentist Dr. Meredith Esposito.